
It shows all the information through indicators, graphs and a very intuitive design that transforms all municipal planning into simple data. Its objective is not only to generate an internal evaluation system, but also to show it in a way that adds public value and generates trust, adapting the complexity of strategic planning to show it in understandable data. The tool will provide information on the progress of the plans and the fulfillment of each project, showing the aggregate status of progress by category and the plan as a whole. The graphics use the “traffic light” color method to improve the experience and usability of citizens.

Created with Fabric.js 3.6.3
Ogovsystem-Administraciones y la Ciudadanía
Ogovsystem-Administraciones y la Ciudadanía
Rendición de cuentas - Ogov system


Ogovsystem-Administraciones y la Ciudadanía


Shows the level of compliance by government areas/delegations, as well as the projects assigned to the area. It also allows a level of disaggregation by departments. This module will show, through a dynamic and navigable graph, the level of compliance of these areas, as well as a “graphic summary” of the status of the assigned projects.


It brings together all the projects developed (associated with the different plans) in a list that allows you to filter by area/department, degree of compliance and assigned budget. It presents the general state of compliance through a single table, differentiating them by their status: completed, advanced, in process and pending (these “states” are a proposal, they will be defined according to the needs that are defined once the system is launched). ) . At all levels, the tool has several fields so, to give credibility to the descriptive content of the tool, it includes documentary evidence: Relevant dates in the execution; Links related to press impacts; economic costs; Memories, reports or technical documents; Contracts associated and linked to the Contracting Platform; Images; videos; maps; Responsible, etc.:

Ogovsystem- herramientas Administraciones y Ciudadanía
Canal de denuncias- Ogovsystem - herramientas de gobierno abierto


The tool allows the management of any Planning: strategic plans, government agreements, internal government programs, etc. Each Plan will be differentiated, and citizens will be able to access its public content and consult the commitments fulfilled, pending, in progress and discarded.

Open data

All tool data is published in reusable downloadable format in XLS, CSV and HTML.

Ogovsystem-Administraciones y la Ciudadanía



Different permissions and role management.


All graphic elements of the tool are customizable without technical knowledge.


Both visits and content management.


It has a module that allows citizens to evaluate it.


Adapted to all devices


Integrated with official databases and allows both the mass import of content and the connection to web services.


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