Works Viewer

Investments in works and heritage from a bird’s eye view. This viewer shows the georeferenced information, by states and detailed of the works, infrastructures and assets of the entity.

Created with Fabric.js 3.6.3
Ogovsystem-Administraciones y la Ciudadanía
Ogovsystem-Administraciones y la Ciudadanía
Ogovsystem-infraestructuras y el patrimonio - administraciones públicas


Visor de Obras - Ogovsystem


All the works, infrastructures and assets of the entity on a single map where the citizen can explore each of the works by area, address and status. Connect with the detail of each of the referenced points
INVESTMENT INDICATORS Dynamic and broken down information on works in progress, urban actions and total investment. It generates graphs on the investment by amounts in the different neighborhoods and by type of works, among other relevant information.


The information on the works is displayed in a list that allows searching filtered by name, successful bidder, state, year and budget. Each of the works contains a summary file with the main data of this and an access to the detail file where the extended information about it can be found.

Participación ciudadana - Ogovsystem
Visor de Obras - Ogovsystem

Detail of the work

The detail sheets of public works contain information on: Name, Description; Zone/Neighbourhood, State, Coordinates/Address, Images and videos, Reports and reports, Type of work, Information on the tender (link to the PCSP, specifications, tender amount: award amount, number of bidders, tender date, award date, successful bidder…), start and end dates, execution deadlines, municipal manager, stakeout minutes, related news, budget information, among other fields. It allows full compliance with the transparency regulations in this area.

Open data

All tool data is published in reusable downloadable format in XLS, CSV and HTML.

Ogovsystem-Administraciones y la Ciudadanía - Visor Presupuestario



Different permissions and role management.


All graphic elements of the tool are customizable without technical knowledge.


Both visits and content management.


Know what information is out of date and who is responsible for it.


Adapted to all devices.


Integrated with official databases and allows both massive import of content and connection to web services.


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