know the tools
de Open Government

Canal de denuncias- Ogovsystem - herramientas de gobierno abierto


Designed with a citizen approach without losing the perspective of evaluation methodologies and the legal framework. The information is displayed in a graphic and friendly way, with simple explanations and less than three clicks away. Its structure and content are adapted to the needs and nature of your institution.

Ogovsystem mockup Transparencia
Created with Fabric.js 3.6.3
Created with Fabric.js 3.6.3
Visor Presupuestario- Ogovsystem - presupuestos implantación de proyectos de Transparencia y Gobierno Abierto

Detail of the municipal budgets at their different levels, structure, in an evolutionary and updated way, both in its initial phase and in its execution, offering a clear comparison between what was budgeted and what was actually spent in each area of expenditure and public policy in the last years. Contains information on payments and invoices, tax calculator and information to understand the budget.


Investments in works and heritage from a bird’s eye view. This viewer shows the georeferenced information, by states and detailed of the works, infrastructures and assets of the entity. It includes investment indicators, lists with search filters and detail sheets for each of the works.

Created with Fabric.js 3.6.3
obras herramienta Ogovsystem Transparencia y Gobierno Abierto
Ogovsystem-Administraciones y la Ciudadanía

An active listening tool for the administration that allows citizens to make proposals, participate in voting, make contributions in the preparation of budgets, regulations and planning, among other processes. Fully configurable and with user verification functionality, connection with the census and sending of communications.

The tool allows showing compliance with Government Plans, annual and multi-annual programs, plenary agreements, strategic plans, electoral programs and accountability agenda. It shows all the information through indicators, graphs and a highly intuitive design that transform all planning into simple data and generates confidence by collecting in detail the fulfillment of commitments.

rendición-Ogovsystem-proyectos de Transparencia y Gobierno Abierto
Canal de denuncias- Ogovsystem - herramientas de gobierno abierto

Focused prevention and detection of irregularities in institutions. It allows its users to make communications while safeguarding their anonymity and thus avoiding possible retaliation. The channel contains an informative section where all the information about the tool, the processes and their guarantees is collected.

A based data portal that allows the publication of data in open format (CSV, XML, JSON, among others) and spatial exchange formats such as Shapefile, GML, KML Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards such as WFS. The data dumped on the platform may be exported or integrated by third parties in accordance with the permits and licenses established in the portal. Allows integration with databases for automatic updating of content.

datos abiertos-Transparencia y Gobierno Abierto- Ogovsystem